Urgent call for milk donations for Christchurch Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care

Photo: Supplied

An urgent call is being made for milk donations for babies at Christchurch Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care.

In a statement, the hospital said NICU has many premature and unwell babies who need breast milk donations, but unfortunately, supplies in the NICU Milk Bank are running very low.

“Breast milk is vitally important for these wee babies and when a parent's own milk is not available, the Christchurch Hospital Milk Bank offers support by providing screened and pasteurised donor milk.

“Breastfeeding mamas with a surplus of milk are desperately needed to donate. If you or someone you know could help, please reach out to our team:

Phone: (03) 364 4344

Email: MilkBankNICU@cdhb.health.nz


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